If you live anywhere in Florida and Play Blood Bowl, this is the site for you!
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Upcoming Tournaments // Florida Blood Bowl Announcements //
New Swag Shack Entries
Florida Blood Bowl is not just a league or a tournament … its an idea, a brand … a home for all coaches playing Blood Bowl in Florida.
Many of our Florida Blood Bowl Coaches started traveling to tournaments outside of the state and we wanted to represent what Florida Blood Bowl is all about and the banners were born. These banners have been all over the Sunshine State as well as Tennessee, Georgia and Oklahoma!!!

I want you to join & Bring the doom!

Countdown to the Next Florida Blood Bowl Tournament
Florida Blood Bowl's Next Table Top Tournament will be BEANS & DICE Blood Bowl SE7ENS Tournament in Zephyrhills, Floriday at YOUR TURN: A Board Game Cafe
on Saturday, March 6th at 12:30pm.

memorable tournaments
Florida Blood Bowl absolutely loves to promote all of our incredible tournaments. We are very fortunate to have the insanely talented Gary Radziak help us fulfill all of our elaborate ideas with his mind bending creativity.
Florida Blood Bowl has featured every tournament the NAF has to offer; Standard Blood Bowl, SE7ENS, Street Bowl, Beach Bowl, Death Bowl, Dungeon Bowl, Dungeon Bowl 7’s and yes, even Rat Ogre Bowl.
Take all of those different Blood Bowl Variants and then add a theme to it. Whether its pop culture movies such as The Princess Bride or John Carpenter’s They Live or maybe some creative new ideas from the mad mind of Dr. Carnivean featuring fan favorites Crazy Charlie and Rufus, we have run a tournament for everyone. We even had an event to celebrate the sunshine state’s own “Florida Man” with his Red Solo Cup Tournament.
Take a spin through our most Memorable Tournaments Gallery and help us celebrate the extraordinary talent of Gary Radziak who has done more than two dozen different tournament poster designs for us.
the diabolical sports desk
Florida Blood Bowl is Extremely Fortunate to Feature Heavily in the Diabolical Sports Desk hosted by Dr. Carnivean and Rufus!!!
Take A Look Inside florida blood bowl
From 2004 to 2020, Florida has had more than 100 Blood Bowl Tournaments across the Sunshine State.
Starting with the legendary THREE KINGDOMS CHALLENGE run by former NAF Treasurer and NAF Legend Jim Lanier aka OldManMonkey all the way up to 2020’s Big Daddy’s All Star Cup run by Clay Haire, here’s a gallery of some of our best event pics.
Our coaches
Meet Some of the Amazing Coaches that Make Up Florida Blood Bowl

Jason York
NAF: AlMightyPePe22

josh wojcik
NAF: Jogrenaught

eric neiberger
NAF: Joker2and53
got swag?!?
florida blood bowl swag shack
Didn’t Make it to the Last Florida Blood Bowl Tournament?!? Browse the Store and Pick Up All the Swag You Want!!!
you ready to bring the doom?